Genre : Dancehall City : Lilongwe Country : Malawi
Eliza James is a popular Malawian singer, known for her vibrant and energetic live performances and accompanying dancers. She started her music career singing to small crowds in Area 25 at the age of 13, getting the nick-name ‘mwana bum-shorts’. She sings dance-hall, gospel and reggae with a unique style and an upbeat positive vibe. She has performed throughout Malawi in shows with headliners such as Lulu, Don Tarz, Mwanache, Eli Njuchi, and Driemo, and has released music with Dan Lu.
Eliza James ndi woyimba wotchuka wa ku Malawi, wodziwika bwino chifukwa cha zisudzo zachangu komanso zachangu komanso ovina omwe amatsagana nawo. Anayamba ntchito yake yoyimba nyimbo kwa anthu ang'onoang'ono ku Area 25 ali ndi zaka 13, kulandira dzina loti 'mwana bum-shorts'. Amayimba dance-hall, gospel ndi reggae ndi sitayilo yapadera komanso vibe yosangalatsa. Waimba m'Malawi muno mumasewero omwe ali ndi mitu monga Lulu, Don Tarz, Mwanache, Eli Njuchi, ndi Driemo, ndipo anapanga nyimbo ndi Dan Lu.