Hello Malawi. My name is Raphael chikomo, one of musicians in the country. I've brought you some of my songs compiled from my albums
But first I would like to let you know more about my self. My home address is: Nagwengwere f.p.school ,p.o.box 20 , Makwasa . kachimanga village , T.A .Khwethemule , Thyolo district. I was born at Malamulo hospital , there at Makwasa , I did my school at Nagwengwere primary and Nchenga ,later H.H.I. secondary school in Blantyre
About music, I started right there at Makwasa as choir master I later joined the Hand of God praise team, That was where I learned how to play keyboards
I later the then phonex band , later the band was sold to Mr.Nkhwimba and that was when I and some members decided to form our own band using hired equipment .we named it the "The Stage Masters band
Up to now I'm still the member of the Stage Masters Band .
I recorded my first album in 2006 ,It was called "Shasha ndi UFA" at Baptist media center with Grey saman. In 2012 I recorded another album called " Ufulu wa mbabva" at Gosta studio